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ALICE IN CHAINS' Jerry Cantrell To Guest on New DEFTONES Album

Honestly, this is one of those collaborations I never thought I wanted, but now that I know it's happening I can't wait to hear it.

Honestly, this is one of those collaborations I never thought I wanted, but now that I know it's happening I can't wait to hear it.

A few weeks ago, we learned the Deftones are gearing up to release their new album in September and now we know there is at least one guest on the album. The band is currently out playing some select tour dates, which means new interviews with tidbits about the upcoming album.

Frontman Chino Moreno was recently interviewed by KOMP 92.3FM, where he revealed a pretty notable name would be appearing on the new album, Alice In Chains' Jerry Cantrell. Cantrell was brought into the fold when the band decided one of the new tracks "needed something a little extra."

“Jerry is on the album. I don’t know if he wanted anybody to know or not, but I guess I’ve spilled the beans.

“There’s one track, in the demo stages, I was like, ‘There’s this hole in there.’ In Deftones songs there’s not really any guitar solos, but there was a section where it could use something like what he does.”

“It’s like you’re hearing a Deftones song – but all of a sudden a bit of Alice In Chains seeps in,” says Moreno. “As a fan, I was just sitting back and a little tear came out of my eye.”


Wow. Honestly, this is one of those collaborations I never thought I wanted, but now that I know it's happening I can't wait to hear it.

September can't come soon enough!

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