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C'mon, y'all, give the dude a break—it's been more than 20 years already!
Hi, what are you looking for?
They're happening in August and September 2025.
Serj Tankian is one of the most interesting musicians in the rock/metal scene. His solo career is full of experimentation with a unique sound...
They broke out a few songs they haven't in a while.
Much bigger than you remember.
C'mon, y'all, give the dude a break—it's been more than 20 years already!
Dolmayan wishes his bandmates would just listen to him.
The show was broadcast on public access TV.
This granny brings the boom.
It's called The Shavo Project.
Step away from the Playstation, sir!
We could definitely use more Stoner Of A Down.
Bezos, into your hands I commend my soundtrack.