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Plus y'know, it was drummer's brother.
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Architects is set to have a pretty massive 2025. The band just announced their new record The Sky, the Earth & All Between for...
Plus Evergrey, Thou, White Stones, Ulcerate, and more!
It's a good day to be an Architects fan.
The end breakdown is BEEFY.
Like early Nine Inch Nails was influenced by early Linkin Park.
The riffs are just so, so beefy.
The metalcore legends pay tribute to guitarist Tom Searle on their most visceral album yet...
Architects has never sounded this huge.
Plus y'know, it was drummer's brother.
Plus Turnstile, Architects, Meshuggah, Mantar, and way more!
Plus releases from Ruby The Hatchet, Rattlesnake Venom Trip, OneLegMan, Exhumed, Black Math Horseman, Avantasia, and Architects.
Architects has been putting out records for the better part of 20 years at this point, and they've only been steadily getting more popular....
Everything from transportation to visa approval timelines got screwed up.
We Came As Romans and Like Moths to Flames will be in support
Sophia Fox Dog Gets Adopted is out now.
We're gonna need an explanation on these.
Specifically the Parallax Orchestra.