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Best of 2013

It's been a crazy year for metal, but rather than the usual break-up drama, this year was filled with arrests, drug busts and some...

Latest News

Napalm Death's guitarist Mitch Harris is a prolific musician and plans to show us all with his new Menace project, which will drop a...

Injection Reflection

How is this week over already? I was just recovering from Thanksgiving and BOOM! another week has passed? Time flies when there is metal...

Around the Interwebs

Every year, Revolver magazine does a "Hottest Chicks In Metal Hard Rock" issue and it always spurs a bit of controversy. The reasoning is...

Metal Merch

Fleshgod Apastalypse Apocalypse announced they'd be releasing two separate bottles of wine mid-October, so the next logical step in both celebrating their Italian heritage...

Injection Reflection

We are sooooo close to Thanksgiving, I can smell the pecan pie from here. That doesn't mean there weren't some funny, sad, depressing stories...

Around the Interwebs

There is some bullshit stereotype that women don't like metal, or if they do it's "girlfriend metal" like Baroness or Mastodon. Fuck that shit....


Today, Man Must Die have released their new record, Peace Was Never An Option via Lifeforce Record. In the event you either missed out...

Latest News

This Sunday, Adult Swim will premiere Metalocalyspe: The DOOMSTAR REQUIEM A Klok Opera and creator Brendon Small has been on a tear promoting it...

Upcoming Releases

For a project that has been in the works for about three years now, things finally seem to be moving at a good pace....

Latest News

Recently we reported the upcoming supergroup featuring Soulfly's Max Cavalera, The Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato and Mastodon's Troy Sanders has a record label...


The term "progressive" gets thrown around in heavy metal. There are many progressive bands out there that find a sound that breaks a little...

Upcoming Releases

Max Cavalera was recently interviewed by Greek zine Metal Kaos and revealed some juicy details about his upcoming collaboration with The Dillinger Escape Plan's...


Grand Blood, the new album from Boston metal band Doomriders, represents many of the aspects of contemporary metallic hardcore. At once they manage to...

The FiX

Intronaut are back on the Fix, for vocalist Sacha Duable's second appearance on the show, joined this time by drummer Danny Walker. The duo...

Latest News

Album art is a pretty powerful statement; it either gets your attention or wondering if you even want to listen to the album at...

Metal Science

We metalheads aren't all grumpy and depressed all the time. We're actually quite happy. The Atlantic published a new article today about finding happiness...

RIP a Livecast

Rob starts off the show talking about Polish food, which leads Darren to tell a story about trying to purchase food in a Russian...

Upcoming Releases

It's been almost a year since we've discussed the supergroup featuring Soulfly's Max Cavalera, The Dillinger Escape Plan's Greg Puciato and Mastodon's Troy Sanders. We initially broke...


2013 has been a pretty amazing year for progressive metal of all sorts. Last Chance To Reason put out the great almost aquatic sounding album...


2013 seems to be the year for side projects to rear their ugly heads. While some have been uglier than others like the Temple...

Latest News

Two of my favorite musicians got together recently for a little chat in Guitar World Magazine: Dillinger Escape Plan's Ben Weinman and Soundgarden's Kim...