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Best of 2017

Hooray, this marks my third time whipping up a good ol' end-of-the-year list! And I gotta say, it's not exactly getting easier choosing who...

Upcoming Releases

"I think before long, we'll start to demo some stuff, just to get a feel for the direction of the album."


Mike Scheidt is one of the most universally beloved figures in all of doom metal. His smiling face and buoyant personality have been just...

Bummer Alert

The Linkin Park frontman tried to kill himself in an equally extreme manner.


Stripped back and powerful, Belus tap into the spirit of black metal with their endlessly fascinating and masterfully executed debut album. These Brooklyn black...

Latest News

December is officially here, which means there is only one month left in 2017. Where did the time go? Here's what you missed this...

Weekly Injection

Welcome to December nerds! This edition includes the return of a divisive death metal outfit, the death metal return of a death metal outfit,...

Metal Crimes

In recent months of the music industry, there has been a large amount of allegations of serious sexual acts ranging back to the Polish...


When rumbling rumors of Prophets of Rage's formation popped up last year, it was truly an exciting notion to have Rage Against the Machine's...

Metal Merch

Killer gift ideas from Metallica, Slayer, Iron Maiden, Amon Amarth and more.


This is the sort of band who understand the psychological power of doom and sludge and really play on that

Live Footage

Specifically "Hammer Smashed Face," and he's crushing it.

Metal In The Mainstream

The security guards ain't got time for that.


The first time I saw Rings of Saturn live, they were opening for Carnifex and I was blown away by the intensity. Their proggy,...


Vocalist Enrico Di Lorenzo of Hideous Divinity shares his experiences in working with the voice, his passion as a doctor and vocalist, and an...

Metal Crimes

Including screenshots of Fuentes being less than reputable.


The ten tracks on offer span the width and breathe of the Godflesh oeuvre, sounding as rhythmically calculating and drill-press noisy as early works...

Latest News

It was used on Neurosis' albums between 1992 and 2000.

Full Album Stream

Maryland’s own Genevieve caught my attention in 2015 with their interesting avant-garde take on black/death metal found on Escapism. Escapism was an album I found...

Breakups & Shakeups

The band finally makes the reveal and have a new song.

This Is Just A Tribute

His family blamed his lifelong struggle with addiction.