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Search results for "coin"

Metal Merch

The craze with NFTs or "non-fungible tokens" has blown my mind. Essentially, it's a digital trading card (or piece of art) that is backed...


The rapper's limited release Satanic sneakers and new music video are causing an uproar that used to be reserved for metal acts.

Shocking Revelations

Nate Garrett may have had something to do with why Limp Bizkit broke up in 2003.

Back in the Day

Today for your headbanging pleasure, I'm excited to bring you yet another post about metal bands covering the music of other bands. So far,...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Full Album Stream

Featuring Queens of the Stone Age and System of a Down covers!

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"Daron wrote both songs. He had both songs."

Upcoming Releases

The follow-up to The Simulation and another one they're working on.

Back in the Day

KISS frontman Gene Simmons is nothing if not very confident in his abilities. So, when news started getting around town in the early 80s...

Back in the Day

Believe it or not, before Metallica were the biggest band in the world, they were trying to get their name out there just like...

New Music

Did we just hear what we think we heard? If you play the new Fleshgod Apocalypse song all the way through, one of the...

Shocking Revelations

We were stunned last month when we saw a performance from pop star Doja Cat at the MTV European Music Awards, where she offered...

Best of 2020

There isn't much to say about this year that hasn't been said already. I feel thankful to remain healthy, employed, and surrounded by family...

Upcoming Releases

Townsend explained a little via Twitter, saying the album is likely the soundtrack to some kind of story.