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Latest News

Yeah, Cattle Decapitation wants to be heavier than it is now. What the fuck?

Injection Reflection

It was a pretty busy week, here's what you missed… RAGE AGAINST THE MACHINE Bassist Apologizes For Inspiring "Such Bullshit" As LIMP BIZKIT Norwegian...

Latest News

Phil Anselmo will not stop until he has formed a supergroup with every musician in the metal world. Anselmo has been teasing a new...

Injection Reflection

What an eventful week. Here are our most trending stories… METALLICA Teaming Up With BUDWEISER For Limited Edition Beer BRING ME THE HORIZON Frontman:...


The Anthropocene Extinction, in many ways is not so much a follow-up to a hugely successful album, but more like a continuation. The songwriting...

Weekly Injection

This edition features several releases with varying amounts of progginess, some aggressiveness to offset your prog, and oodles more. To the metals…

Full Album Stream

After months of teasing and teasing, you finally have the chance to hear the excellent new Cattle Decapitation record


I'm very excited for the new Cattle Decapitation album, The Anthropocene Extinction…. We've already heard one ripper, "Manufactured Extinct" and today Cattle Decap are...


Mastodon's Brann Dailor and Bill Kelliher, the two resident metalheads of Mastodon, went recording shopping in Amoeba Music in Hollywood and picked up some not-so-metal...


But it won't be on the album!


This is not a bad thing at all.

Upcoming Releases

Expect a release in the late summer.

Latest News

Time to get your vegetarian on, kids!

Injection Reflection

This first week back was a pretty eventful one. Here are some things you may have missed: SLAYER Played on Pre-School Instruments Works Better...

Live Footage

Who wants to hear new Cattle Decapitation? You want to hear new Cattle Decapitation!

Metal Crimes

Some people just don't know how to mosh.

Tour Dates

The first Housecore Film & Music Festival was such a success that curators Phil Anselmo and Corey Mitchell are going for a second round,  October...

Upcoming Releases

Cattle Decapitation have only been getting better and better as the years go on, which means in theory their 2015 will be the best...

Injection Reflection

I'm completely over this week and I'm looking forward to spending the entire weekend doing massive bong rips. How are you spending the weekend?...

Around the Interwebs

Longtime listeners of the RIP a Livecast know that our favorite game to play is Death or No Death, where Darren gives us a...


Nothing like starting the week with some new drama. You may recall when we broke the story that Six Feet Under's Chris Barnes got...