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Record Sales

Nightmare and Hail to the King are doing well.

Upcoming Releases

They're also doing a Phanerozoic I: Palaeozoic livestream.

Upcoming Releases

The follow-up to The Simulation and another one they're working on.

Upcoming Releases

We're only getting started for the promotional cycle for Serj Tankian's next EP, Elasticity, and turns out Serj already has a whole other EP...


In 2011, we had a poll of our readers, an annual tradition, to vote on what you thought were the best metal albums of...


Apparently we enjoy making ourselves feel old with these lists. Turns out 1996 was a big turning point for metal, with some bands releasing...


In what has become an annual tradition, at the beginning of every year, we like to make ourselves feel old. With every passing year,...


Okay, so this list made me a little uncomfortable. Apparently, 2011 wasn't "just a couple of years ago" anymore. 10 years really flies when...


Okay, now it's time to feel really old. How is 1981 forty years ago? We thought we felt old looking back at albums from...


Including Deftones, Napalm Death, Enslaved, Emma Ruth Rundle, Lik, and much more.


How the hell has it been 30 years since 1991? I have no idea, and neither do you probably. It was a decent year...


It's crazy to think 2001 was twenty years ago, but it was! As we do every year, let's take a moment to look back...

Best of 2020

Over 30,000 votes have been tallied, and you, the Metal Injection junkies have made your voices heard. These are the albums you deemed to...

Best of 2020

Salutations fellow doomers! The results of our Funeral Doom Friday poll are in. We asked you to vote for your favorite funeral doom metal...

Best of 2020

10. KILLER BE KILLEDReluctant HeroNuclear Blast Records One of those rare supergroups that actually deserves the name. You can definitely hear the contributions from...

Best of 2020

This is the point of the year where I usually make a joke about the hits and misses, what bands are underrated and which...

Best of 2020

This year has been, to put it lightly, absolute shit. You know it. I know it. The world knows it. The biggest heartbreak for...

Best of 2020

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and dogs, and anyone else who is beautiful enough to click on this album of the...

Best of 2020

Well, that was a year. Debatably. Metal and hardcore-wise some fantastic albums came out this year. It’s just a shame that we aren’t going...