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"While it’s important to protect free speech, we have a patriotic obligation to condemn racism and domestic terrorism.”


It's official: Ozzfest is back! Merging once again with Knotfest, Ozzfest will be returning to California this November. Since its creation in 1996, this...

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"Also, where did the name 'Screaming Elf' ever come from? Definitely not my choice! Good Times."

Breakups & Shakeups

The band will begin recording in August.

Weekly Injection

This edition features melodic death metal of several types, some electronica actually, and more! To the metals...


Omega Monolith are weird, wonderfully so. But every once in a while you have to step back and ask - is this music or...

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Decapitated and Earache Records are not good buddies right now. At all.

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Could we hear new music from Prophets of Rage?


There is probably not going to be a better death metal record coming out this year. But should we even bother calling this death...


In 2014, the band's release of Up In Hell showed promise consisting of a slight nü metal and hardcore fusion. Two years later, Incite...

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Black Metal History

There's a lot going on in the world of black metal right now - here are some of the highlights.

Metal In The Mainstream

No more metal talk shows on TV.


There's a lot of things you need to know before getting to hit the road, bitter truths that you'll hear, and probably ignore, which...

Shocking Revelations

Buckley revealed in a Facebook post last night that his wife had a life-threatening complication while seven months pregnant, forcing doctors to prematurely deliver...

Bummer Alert

"Thank you for standing with us when we cannot stand on our own."


Sure, it's not metal, but it's pretty good if you're into that sort of thing.