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"It just became something not familiar anymore."

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"There are some really good gems in there, I gotta say at least two three gems."

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“They've all meant something, but they're the ones that sort of stood out initially."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Dysrhythmia, Evergrey, Hippotraktor, and Huntsmen.

Tour Dates

Meanstreak and Held Hostage will also appear in the bill.


"Umbra Vitae aptly represents an approach to extreme metal that isn't afraid to play by feeling and emotion."

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"I think for Daron, he had grown up with this becoming his everything."

Breakups & Shakeups

B.J. Stead and Justin Aufdemkampe are out.

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"As a metal head myself, I send my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the band for elevating our genre, and if even for a...

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From blistering heat to blazing performances here's what happened during the last day of Ohio's wildest rock festival.

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Erecting a temple of sound in the heart of the Rust Belt

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Cognitive, Gatecreeper, Intervals, Mary Friedman, Jasta, Jinjer, and The Last of Lucy.