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Latest News

Now that Sonic Youth is over, Thurston Moore has a lot of free time on his hands, it seems. And, due to his ever-expanding...

RIP a Livecast

On this edition, Rob, 3D, Noa and Sid were joined by special guest Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks. We listened to the worst rendition of...

Latest News

Happy Birthday Slash! One of our favorite rock icons turns 47 today, as he also celebrated the 25th anniversary of the Guns N' Roses...

Latest News

Remember all those months ago, when we interviewed Slayer drummer Dave Lombardo at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards and he said that the band...

Sick Art

There is no doubt that band tattoos are the ultimate sign of appreciation and loyalty for your favorite artists, it's like a band T-shirt...

Bummer Alert

A fan attending the Warped Tour in Toronto yesterday (Sunday, July 15) died after collapsing. According to news reports, she was found around 12:40...

Video Games

Trent Reznor is living the nerd dream. Sure, he's one of the coolest motherfuckers on the planet, but the dude is ultimately a nerd...

Upcoming Releases

We're all eagerly anticipating new music from Slayer. We were hoping for a two-song EP before Mayhem Fest kicked off, but turns out that...

Latest News

With Mayhem Fest kicking off this weekend, you can expect a lot more Slipknot in the headlines. To kick it off, the new issue of...

Tour Dates

Norma Jean have already said they are going to be spending a lot of time touring this year, and then and only then will...

Open Metacast

Open Metalcast Episode 49, where we've got you under my treads. Show notes after the break: http://archive.org/download/OpenMetalcastEpisode49UnderMyTreads/open_metalcast_049.mp3Podcast: Download


Finally: a Fear Factory record that can be regarded without the context of high drama hanging over its release. Burton C. Bell and Dino...

Upcoming Releases

I was a bit overwhelmed by the staggering amount of big releases out this week; but it's true, the metal gods are just, and...

Tour Dates

The summer is a hot bed for festival touring, and it's time to add another contended to  the never-ending Summer tour routing, the 2012...


I often associate death/doom with waiting, persevering for that perfect riff, enduring the dirge for that most heart-rending of melodies. My ears don't deal...


The Faceless's upcoming release has almost reached Necrophagist-levels of mythos. People have even come up to me asking if I knew when it would...


Holy fuck balls gentleman! Dying Fetus have given us all a small preview of the shit-storm they are planning to release on June 19th...

Tour Dates

Black Breath are heading out on tour and they're taking Martyrdod, Burning Love, Enabler as part of the Sentenced To Life tour. Their new album,...


When you really think about it, Sweden’s Meshuggah is extreme metal’s answer to Tool. Both bands have some of the most supportive and staunch...

Mustaine Mania

We've been covering the insane things Dave Mustaine says so much lately, that I've decided to create a new category to store all his...


Come join Bolthorn and myself for the second and final part of our 2011 Rewind! There was so much good music released this past...

Upcoming Releases

You knew that when the 20th anniversary reissue of Cowboys From Hell came out, that was just the beginning, and all the Pantera releases...


Being beaten to death is a pretty rudimentary way to go, in the context of extreme music. Norway’s Beaten To Death, however, are anything...