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Tour Dates

Suffocation have just entered the studio to being recording their Nuclear Blast debut. From hearing some smaples a few months back when they opened...

Tour Dates

It's unlikely many metal fans know it, but I want to go on record and say that the small independent Translation Loss Records label...

Tour Dates

Click Here to enter to win tickets for this tour! Wow. Kevin Lynam and the organizers of Mayhem Fest have completely out-done last year's...

Upcoming Releases

This year's release schedule is coming together very nicely. According to their website, Sweden's post-metal leaders Cult of Luna are releasing a feature DVD...

Video Games

I have to be honest. I haven't picked up Guitar Hero or Rock Band in months. The only time I even think of dusting...

Latest News

If you caught IRON MAIDEN on last year's "Somewhere Back in Time" world tour, then you already know that no amount of gushing, screaming...


On this episode of the RIP a Livecast we have an exclusive interview with soon-to-be-ex-president, George W. Bush! We had to pull some major...


RIP a Livecast is back with an all new episode and we have special appearances from Patrick Swayze, Dave Mustaine, James Hetfield, Chuck Schuldiner...

Latest News

SOILWORK recently conducted a poll to determine the setlist for their North American tour, and they've posted the results online. A message from the...

Revelations of Doom

After a long hiatus of sorts (also known as trying not to fail out of college and gallivanting across the country in search of...


Way back in March we posted that Florida tech-death experts, INTO THE MOAT have announced that they put the finishing touches on their new...


The winners are in! A few months back, we announced that we are teaming with Sick Drummer Magazine to bring you a digital blast...


2008 was a great year for ridiculously silly metal viral clips to be passed around to distract you from doing your work. We thought...

Tour Dates

UPDATE: The full itinerary of tour dates has been announced. Click here to view it Talk about a killer way to kick off 2009!...

Weekly Video Recap

Are you still recovering from your Christmas food coma? Well perhaps we can help you. We have a slew of holiday related metal videos...


One of my biggest regrets of the last year is missing Metal Misha's greatest nemisises, GWAR when they came around New York. Luckily, the...


Five albums and three singers into their career, Darkane are still slipping melodies into their thrash-infested death metal. Demonic Art doesn't try anything new,...

Clip of the Day

We found this fantastic clip from our 2006 Christmas special in the dusty attic of the Metal Injection studio, and figured we should re-upload...

Free Swag

We're back with another week of what is becoming one of the most popular features on Metal Injection: the Guessing Game. Every week we...


Helstar – The King of Hell Order of Ennead – Reflection – An  Endless Endeavor Exhumed – No Presents For Christmas Chuck Billy and...

Latest News

Between the Buried and Me are in the early writing stages of following up their salivated-over masterwork Colors. Bassist Dan Briggs posted the following...

Latest News

Mind-bending experimetal (sic) asskickers Psyopus have set the details for their latest force of awesome, Odd Senses. The new album hits the US February...

Latest News

The search is over for THE BLACK DAHLIA MURDER. About a month ago, the band revealed that guitarist John Kempainen had abruptly left the...