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I mean... don't plagiarize, and then you won't get sued.


Well, I hope you weren't looking for someone pretending to be objective here. My Dying Bride is my favorite doom band of all time...


"The Shape of Fluidity is an outstanding glimpse into van Dorst's individual (but universally resonant) triumphs and tribulations."

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Judas Priest guitarist Glenn Tipton retired from touring with the band in 2018 after revealing that he had Parkinson's disease. Andy Sneap has since...


"Their work with Dis Fig shows their innate ability to create beauty from ugliness, and how easily they can transcend metal and plant their...


"These guys have a unique vision for the genre and should be in the limelight for anyone looking for bands doing the genre right."


"Udåd legitimizes the existence of lo-fi black metal even after the genre at large has evolved so much."


"The point is the steel marches on, and you can't stop it."

Tour Roundup

Featuring Baroness, Halestorm, CKY, Messa, Master Boot Record, Gates To Hell, and more!

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Zakk Sabbath, Firewind, New Years Day, and Volcandra.


"No matter what era of Ministry you might be a fan of, there's really something for everyone here."

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"I told you it was bad. Put a sticker on it – it's gonna need it."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases From Amaranthe, Borknagar, The Body & Dis Fig, Mich Mars, and Sleepytime Gorilla Museum

Music Videos

The first single from their upcoming album.