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Search results for "Studio"

In The Studio

Working once again with producer Kevin Churko.

Live Footage

Their first effort without guitarist Cameron Boggs.

In The Studio

Cooking up something spacey, I'm sure.

Injection Reflection

Take some time to go outside, the weather is getting nicer! Here's what you missed this week. METALLICA, NINE INCH NAILS, KORN, JUDAS PRIEST...

Upcoming Releases

We had a hunch that Slipknot were in the studio right now, when posts on social media started surfacing in recent weeks suggesting as...

Upcoming Releases

Hopefully we'll hear some new material soon.

Injection Reflection

…and just like that, April is gone! Here's May. At least it's getting warmer? Here's what you missed this week: Did You Catch The...


Two pieces of evidence seem to point to the band being in the studio right now.


The tale of the world's first residential recording studio.


It shreds, unsurprisingly.

In The Studio

Drummer Brooks Wackerman doing his thing!

Music Videos

Performed in 2017, when you could do that.

Upcoming Releases

Newly sober and ready to bring the riffs.