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The owners are admitting negligence.

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Lots of scary sights.

Weekly Injection

A really, really diverse collection of albums dropping this week for give your Halloween some added spookiness or something. Features some difficult to label...


It’s easy to imagine Zombi being swallowed by the very sea of artists they helped inspire, but these two guys have several advantages that...

Upcoming Releases

But will it be Scar the Martyr?


Loud creepy music scares the crap out of regular folk, just like tales of fire and brimstone have freaked people out since The Middle...

Shocking Revelations

We've written about Ne Obliviscaris before, we even interviewed them last year and loved their album, Citadel. The band even pulled off a successful...


It's a pretty scary-sounding track, what with a choir and all.

Bands and Booze

Cannibal Corpse isn't the only extreme metal band to unveil a new beer this week. Slayer is getting in on the fun as well....

Weekly Injection

Hey hey nerds! This week includes some prog pop mainstays, death metal goodness, beautiful black metal, ugly shit, and more! To the metals…


I don’t know about you, but this time of year always makes me want to drink beer, crank metal, and take my shirt off...


It's dark, it's scary and it's heavy. What else did you want?


From rock and doom to insane grindcore and serious bummer jams, we've got a great selection in here!

Live Footage

It's theatrical! It's heavy! It's got a keyboardist on a treadmill!


What New Bermuda delivers is an overall more calamitous and harsher experience

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This edition rangers from groovy rock to blackened death metal... and everything in between!

Show Recap

Your first heavy metal show is important – it makes an impression on what “a great show” means to you. This could probably be...


The former reigning kings of metalcore, Atreyu, are back, for better or for worse. And the aptly named Long Live should answer all questions...

Upcoming Releases

It's just one incredibly long drone record... okay maybe not.


Breakneck, thrashy- you get the picture. It kicks ass.