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The special limited edition brew, sourced from El Salvador features notes of apricot, praline, bourbon and mulling spice.

Celebrity Metalheads

The Twisted Sister frontman doesn't like "our image" co-opted.


Corpsegrinder takes issue with Suicide Silence fans who say Mitch Lucker would be rolling over in his grave.

Injection Reflection

Hey, the new Marilyn Manson album is pretty good, and it's October and I'm wearing shorts in New York. Here's what you missed this...

The Monday Grind

It’s Monday and Mondays suck, so let’s grind it out with Irradiated’s Redlisted.


"This is a peaceful protest. It is not disrespecting the troops, no matter how much you try to twist it that way."


Yellow Eyes delivers a notable contribution that stands ahead and apart for many reasons.


Even great artists are capable of producing tripe.


Between the Buried and Me's massive 2007 record took the metal scene by storm. Ten years later, the album is still one of the...

Latest News

"It should just be about the music but it's got to be so damn hard to be heard when there's so much static out...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes bands that piss you off for some reason, a supergroup, bands meandering from their established sounds, and more! The the metals…

Metal In The Mainstream

And what does Corey Taylor think of what Kerry King thinks of celebrities wearing Slayer shirts?


To the untrained ear, this review is nothing but nerdy hair splitting; your significant other who knows nothing about metal and your mom will...

Music Videos

We are very impressed with the refreshing sounds of Sharptooth. We're unveiling the music video for the title track off their new album, Clever...

Injection Reflection

It's officially hoodie weather in NY, and I'm beyond stoked to get out there! Here's the 10 biggest trending stories you may have missed...


No frills or wasted time. Just some of good, old Leng Tch'e grindcore.

Upcoming Releases

Cold Dark Place and will be released on September 22nd via Reprise Records.

Metal Injection Exclusives

Kurt Angle, Seth Rollins, Dean Ambrose, Bray Wyatt, Braun Strowman, WWE champion Jinder Mahal, Alexa Bliss, and Bobby Roode talk their favorite rock and...

Scene Report

Prepare to be lost in the brutal haze, noise, and psychedelic sludge that makes for Japan's metal scene.

Latest News

Five comics due out between October 2017 and February 2018!