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RIP a Livecast

This week, we had a very special guest on the show… legendary pro-wrestling announcer Jim Ross talked about his new stint as commentator of...

Gear Gods

There is no doubt that Jimi Hendrix is proto-metal, and young Luna here has put a completely new spin on his classic "Voodoo Child...

Bummer Alert

The news was confirmed by guitarist Vivian Campbell.

Metal Crimes

Every huge rock stars have their gear stolen from time to time, but that doesn't make it any more fun. A guitar belonging to...

Bummer Alert

Our thoughts are with his friends and family at this difficult time.

Live Footage

Last night, Lamb of God, who were erroneously described as a Christian metal band by TV listings, performed for the first time on American...

Metal In The Mainstream

…at least according to the official TV listing.

Shocking Revelations

Everybody is allowed to have their own personal taste in music. Some widely revered acts may not connect with everybody. For example, there are...

Upcoming Releases

"We're listening to [the song], and none of us knew who was doing [the lead]. I went, 'No, that's… Wait. That's Brian.' And Brian's,...


I haven't watched the performance because I'm going to see them tonight, so you'll have to tell me how it is…

Latest News

Unless you give the group $10 million... okay I made that up.

Shocking Revelations

Were they listening to the same album we were?

At The Movies

One of the all time great heavy metal cameos in movies was when Cannibal Corpse showed up in Jim Carey's breakthrough hit, Ace Ventura. It...

Live Footage

Steel Panther performed "If You Really, Really Love Me" and "Party Like Tomorrow is the End of the World" on Kimmel on Thursday, January...


Plus, he only used two or three fingers! HE IS MINIMALIST SHRED.


"If people are going to make decisions like that for their career, I honestly would rather get on the life raft and get away...

Kids In Metal

Last week, we showed you the incredibly adorable Baby Wyatt playing Pantera video and metal hearts melted all over the world. Turns out a...


"There are certain people in that band that are just extremely impatient."


This is getting dirty.