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Heavy metal is nasty, loud, rude, and crude. These are positives. There’s nothing that rubs my hairy buttcheeks the wrong way more than metal...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Iran's only doom metal band, grim ass black metal, lots of rock, a dash of prog and more! To the metals…

Cinema Fix

A grim and dramatic coming of age / black metal origin story

br00tal Comedy

The Necrosexual caught up with Abbath in Philadelphia at Union Transfer on the last stop of the 2016 Decibel Magazine tour. These two corpse-painted...

br00tal Comedy

Vocals completely unchanged for added comedy.

Gear Gods

Wow, this is truly a feat. Rob Scallon's May-tallica takes it to another level, playing Metallica's famous track "One" on one guitar. Joe Shadid...

Tour Dates

Summer Slaughter will be headlined by Cannibal Corpse, Nile, and After the Burial with support from Suffocation, Carnifex, Revocation, Krisiun and more

Earnings & Attendance

Plus earnings from Amon Amarth, Cannibal Corpse, Ghost, Puscifer, Volbeat, Megadeth and more.


In today's death metal landscape, weird and warped sounds continue to make inroads as far as gaining new fans to this odd new take...

Gear Gods

Rob Scallon is continuing May-tallica with a medley of EVERY Metallica song in four minutes, quite a task. Check out some of Rob's other cool...

The Rager Review

Did HoJo impress?

Latest News

The artwork is badass and the snip of music is pretty sick.


It's debatable whether Electric Warlock is a superior album to its predecessor, Venomous Rat Regeneration Vendor, but frankly after the career nadir of the...

br00tal Comedy

Rob Scallon has deemed May the month of May-tallica, offering a new unique Metallica cover each week. This week, he uses the instrument that...

The Obituarist

Hear new music from underground death metal bands like Xenomorphic Contamination, Inbreeding Sick, Megascavenger, Nucleus, Zhrine

br00tal Comedy

For the second year in a row, Rob Scallon has turned May into May-tallica, promising a month's worth of tributes to arguably the biggest...


If you enjoy slam, secure your trendy snap-backs because belched up debris left by the grooves and gutturals will dismantle anything in its path.


"I’m a musician, not a fighter, especially in Russia."