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"There's no doubt in my mind Wayne Static is more on the minds and in the hearts of the fans than he's ever been"
Hi, what are you looking for?
An 18-minute song isn't too long, right?
"I'm walking in a more healed version of myself."
Hatrix is sadly unable to work at this time.
"There's no doubt in my mind Wayne Static is more on the minds and in the hearts of the fans than he's ever been"
Containing exactly what you think it does.
"I didn’t want it to be a blur of bass; I wanted it to be a pulse."
A classic hardcore record, resurrected!
Plus the final throes of the As I Lay Dying drama.
Bjarte Lund Rolland played for the band since 2007.
Where is Megadeth, Arizona?
“The deal was if I ever wanted it back, I could let him know and buy it back for the same price.”
Some post-Halloween celebration.
Featuring original guitarist Rick Hunolt.