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Ask Me...I'm Right

Instead of practicing with his band, The Red Chord for their upcoming co-headlining spot on Summer Slaughter, bassist Greg Weeks checked in answering a...

Video Games

Remember Guitar Hero guys? Remember how awesome it was a mere few years ago. The craze was sweeping the nation/ So much so, we...


Devastation – Deliver The Suffering Warbeast – Krush The Enemy PLF – Pulverising Lethal Force Kit Of Ettins – Forge Fire And Below dead...

RIP a Livecast

This week on the RIP a Livecast, we talk about Rob and Frank's experiences at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards, including encounters with Dave...

Tour Dates

New England Metal & Hardcore Festival 2010 Commercial Holy crap! Metalfest is less than two weeks away. I haven't even recovered from the madness...

Latest News

Finnish deathgrind titans ROTTEN SOUND have posted two tracks, "Mindkill" and "Missing Link" (NAPALM DEATH), from their forthcoming Napalm EP release online now via...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...


Now I'm not going to say I'm an expert at being drunk. The last Livecast proved I can't really handle shots in double digits....

Breakups & Shakeups

By Navjot Kaur Sobti When we think of the greatest melodic metal guitarists alive today, what’ve we got? Amongst the perhaps obvious runners-up –...

Shocking Revelations

Who knew? The Prince of Darkness sells books. A lot of books! Blabbermouth is reporting that Ozzy's book, I Am Ozzy, came in at...

Tour Dates

Our good friends in THE RED CHORD are heading out on a headlining tour. Always good news! They will be joined by our other...

Best of 2009

A few weeks ago, we opened up a forum thread asking you junkies to submit your top 10 albums of the year. We would...


This year there were many hilarious videos. I went through our br00tal Comedy channel archives and picked out the best funny videos of the...

Tour Dates

Every year, Maryland Deathfest is like a buffet of amazing uber-underground bands, most of which you will never see play any shows outside of...


Slayer – World Painted Blood Mercyful Fate – Legend of the Headless Rider the Misfits – Halloween Macabre – Acid Bath Vampire Iced Earth...

Latest News

It pays to have friends in high places. Sweedish metal act HYPOCRISY have enlised guitar god Alexi Laiho of CHILDREN OF BODOM to fill-in...

Latest News

Ohio thrashers SKELETONWITCH are streaming their new album, Breathing the Fire, on repeat today via Terrorizer Radio, available right here (or if that doesn't...

Weekly Video Recap

We haven't done one of these in a while, but this week there were so many videos posted that we felt this would be...

Video Games

The GUITAR HERO franchise is still going strong. They are set to release the 5th iteration of their game on September 1st. Some familiar...

Upcoming Releases

A few weeks ago, we prematurely reported that SLAYER's upcoming CD would come out early this month. While the band is still on track...

Tour Dates

Check out the above video that Dez of Devildriver produced exclusively for Metal Injection to get the word out about the Thrash and Burn...


On this sorta Robless edition of the RIP a Livecast we created a simulated Rob while the real Rob is covering Maryland Deathfest. Who...


If you've been visiting our site the last 2 weeks, you've seen that we've been adding a shit-load of inteviews and clips (18 to...