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Remember in 2012 when Lostprophets lead vocalist Ian Watkins was arrested and accused of a bunch of really horrible child sex scandal stuff, including...


Children of Bodom, Born of Osiris, Job For A Cowboy, Butcher Babies, Huntress, Battlecross, City In The Sea, Scorpion Child, Attika 7, Thrown Into...

Injection Reflection

This has been a weird week for metal news. We've gotten a few new tracks from Metal Injection junkies' favorite bands, some silly Twitter...

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Protest The Hero may have had the most successful crowdfunding in metal this year, but this might be the most absurd. Varg is asking...


Mayhem Fest bands discuss their favorite band shirts featuring: Children of Bodom, Born of Osiris, Job For A Cowboy, Butcher Babies, Huntress, Battlecross, City...

The FiX

On this Mayhem Fest edition of The FIX, Battlecross, Butcher Babies, Born of Osiris and Children of Bodom pick their favorite music videos which include Machine...


Traveling festivals always have the best stories. We went down to Mayehm Fest and asked Children of Bodom, Born of Osiris, Job For A...


Motorhead's Lemmy said, "You're not a real band unless you tour." Well, guitarist/vocalist David Sanchez and the rest of Dever's Havok are a real fucking...


Our photographer Rodrigo Fredes headed to Hartford, CT this past weekend and came back with some super sexy photos from most of the bands...

Around the Interwebs

Last Friday, one geriatric drumming shredder captured the internet's attention when we posted the "Grandma Shreds On Drums" video but not much was known...


Burzum mastermind Varg Vikernes, along with his wife, was arrested on Monday on suspicion of planning terrorist acts in his rural French farm. The...


In case you haven't checked your Facebook feed this morning, a lot of people are pissed at Rolling Stone magazine. The once-respected publication revealed...

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Varg Vikernes is more famous for his murders than his music. While Burzum gained much noterity, it was his church burnings and 1993 murder...

Record Sales

Last week was a huge week for heavy metal, topped by the release of Black Sabbath's first new album in 35 years to feature...


What do Serj Tankian of System of a Down, Ihsahn and Devin Townsend, with some music from Ray Holroyd sound like when they collaborate?...


A few months back, we learned that Ozzy Osbourne recently relapsed on drugs and alcohol, mostly coke and booze according to his interview with...

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Kinda almost died not too long ago. I was changing a string on my bass, and the thing snapped and swung at my throat....


Thrash metal is supposed to be full of politically-charged lyrics, ridiculous guitar work that requires the listener to pay attention at all times, guitar...

Around the Interwebs

As you know, this Sunday, June 16th is Father's Day. I'll take a beat here while many of you go, "oh fuck! it is!?!"...


Holy hell, you guys! The metal gods heard my complaining last week. I made the mistake of bitching about not enough notable releases, and...

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So Tuomas Holopainen, the primary songwriter and keyboardist for Nightwish, is writing an album's worth of music based on a Disney comic book called "The Life...

Tim Lambesis Trial

As I Lay Dying frontman Tim Lambesis has spent the better part of May in a San Diego jail after being arrested on May 7th...

RIP a Livecast

This week's mixtape focuses on the RIP a Livecast touch of death which focuses on all of our celebrity guests who have had bad...