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"We're looking at [releasing] a new album in the beginning of '26."


"Overwhelming, yet calming, Botanist continues to find new ways of bringing their sound into new territories."

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"It's a reflection of the angst and anti-authoritarian attitude I had to conformity."

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Peter Stump feels like an appropriate name, given his actions.



"Backdrops and inspirations aside, this is music for rumbling the depths of the soul."


"Mind Burns Alive is sure to evoke something new and delightfully pensive out of the listener."


"Knocked Loose has embraced a melodic direction with this record, weaving in a theme that avoids being cheesy but rather eerie and unsettling."


"You'll be enamored and entirely transported with Nell' Ora Blu. Give it a listen immediately."



Oh hey, Meek Is Murder, which features our very own Frank Godla and our iPhone app developer, Mike Keller, as well as renowned Jesus-look-a-like...

Music Videos

THE UNGUIDED features ex-SONIC SYNDICATE members Richard and Roger and Roland. The band's new album, Fragile Immortality that will be released in early 2014 on Napalm...


Periphery parody The Office and Office Space to promote their new EP, Clear coming out January 28th. More info on Clear right here. Pre-orders here.