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Search results for "revocation"

Upcoming Releases

Also current and former members of Cynic, Entheos, Obscura and Nile.

Metal Injection Exclusives

New things shaping up for these veterans of progressive brutality!

RIP a Livecast

500 episodes! Who would've thought!? To celebrate this landmark edition of the show, we have invited two of our most favorite guests – The Black...

Tour Dates

Fallujah, Spite, Uncured, and Buried Above Ground too.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of darkness. Some you can dance to, some you can slay too. And more! To the metals...

New Music

I have yet to hear a Revocation album I haven't liked and if these preview tracks are any indication, their next album, The Outer Ones,...

New Music

How do they continue to make such crushing music?

RIP a Livecast

Revocation's Dave Davidson is in town promoting the band's upcoming album, The Outer Ones, due Sept. 28th on Metal Blade and decided to sit...


New York City, Metal Injection has teamed up with Metal Blade Records to ensure your weekend partying extends to next Monday. Join us on...

Metal Crimes

When Revocation was touring on Mayhem Fest 2014, they announced that drummer (and Metal Injection correspondent) Phil Dubois-Coyne had suffered a broken arm and...

Upcoming Releases

"This is probably going to be our most death metal album to date. It’s also super progressive though."