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Search results for "fail"


For better or worse, the reunion and the “comeback album” have become quintessential parts of the heavy metal landscape. So here's who we want...


Bloodsoaked. The name, logo and sound may, at first glance, place the band smack-dab in the ordinary category, but this North Carolina outfit has...

Relapse Records Podcast

This month we have new music from OBITUARY, DEATH, RED FANG & more!  As always, we have the latest updates, tour info, and Relapse...

Latest News

Our friends at MetalSucks noticed that Avenged Sevenfold fansite Avenged Sevenfold News recently unearthed some isolated drum tracks from the band. And since isolated...


In spite of a long, logical progression toward a distilled all-prog sound, 2011's Heritage failed to benefit from the nearly unanimous acclaim Opeth had...


After the band's initial assembly in 2007, and creating a self-titled full length album, Those Who Bring The Torture then disbanded in 2010. In...


Do you want to see Mudvayne reunite?


When your public nemesis is the likes of Gene Simmons, it's not difficult to come off as the sympathetic party in the Kisstory war...

Around the Interwebs

You don't know nearly as much as you think you do.


The lawsuit wasn't good enough!


One thing we know for sure, Joey didn't kill JFK!

Upcoming Releases

Everything that is old is new again!

Weekly Injection

The writer of the WEEKLY INJECTION has been kidnapped! Oh wait, no he hasn't, JK. Now you care about my posts right? Anywhoozle, This...


Protestant is a Milwaukee, WI crust band with plenty of hardcore and metal influences to spare. The band has built a lengthy legacy since...


It's free and it's Red Fang. Did you need an invitation or something?


Unlike other contemporary bands who have proven willing to cuckold their more fundamentalist fans by not remaining steadfast to the locked-in-amber ethos of Norwegian...

Weekly Injection

This week's edition features one of the oldest groups of metal fucks out there, black metal gone ambient, Goatwhore going Goatwhore and much more. To the...


Remember when Orgy tried to crowdfund $100,000 for their new album and failed miserably? We all had a good laugh and moved on with...