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Search results for "back"

Show Recap

System of a Down are back, playing their first set of shows in three years. Their current run of headline dates with At The...

Song Premiere

It's so exciting to have Ævangelist back. The now multi-national duo of Ascaris (Chicago, Illinois) and Matron Thorn (Tampere, Finland) had a couple years off...

It's Just Business

The ex-band was also ordered to pay Tobias Forge's legal fees.

RIP a Livecast

We talk about Noa's wild doctor visit recently, kicking nazis out of the heavy metal scene, the singer of Sheer Terror and how much...

This Is Just A Tribute

The band's European tour is cancelled.


If Hallelujah! was a full ritual, then Sulphur Soul is like Cliff Notes.

In The Studio

"And the new release will probably be in February."

The Monday Grind

It's Monday and Mondays suck, so let' grind it out with Retortion Terror's self-titled EP.


Fronted by the world's most metal politician, Taiwanese genre-benders Chthonic return to the fray after five long years...


Polyphia return to the dark side at last...

Music Videos

The Cosmos consumed black metal over the last couple of years. Seemingly more and more projects turned their eyes from hellish landscapes to astral planes. Whether...

Upcoming Releases

What could the surprise possibly be? Could they have gotten Vince Neil-replacement John Corabi back for a song? Probably not.

Bummer Alert

Bill's last words before being stretchered out were "You f***ers should have caught me."

Shocking Revelations

"It just felt kind of weird walking around like a 45-year-old Hot Topic kid."


Aubrey Sitterson, the author of The Comic Book Story of Professional Wrestling, sits in with Rob on the podcast this episode. We talk about...

Injection Reflection

It was a wild week for crazy stories. Iron Sheik somehow brokered peace, Kid Rock was back at the White House – just a wild...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to SATANITY, who had the best zinger: 'When everyone keeps confusing you for Weird Al, don't get...