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Search results for "nova"

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Best of 2010

As the year is comes to a close, we will be taking you through the Best of 2010. Over the next couple of days,...

Fuck Yes!

by: Robert Pasbani You may have been following our intrepid investigative report SYSTEM-WATCH 2010!!!! commandeered by Gruhamed for the last few weeks. Well, the...


by: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann When I first saw the lineup for the 2010 DECIBEL DEFIANCE TOUR, I did the following in order: 1. Shit...


by: James Zalucky ATHEIST has a history that is both triumphant and frustrating. Triumphant due to their glorious artistic feats and enormous influence. Frustrating...

Latest News

By: Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann GENE SIMMONS is a douche. Now that we've gotten that out of the way, the KISS bassist recently stated during...


Last month, we discovered that former Cephalic Carnage guitarist/songwriter Zac Joe formed a new outfit of grinders called Collapse. We were so excited about...


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann “Cry for help.” A single drum sounds, echoing into nothingness. Time after time it comes, foreshadowing the dark and depraved...


By: Navjot Kaur Sobti Infusing all shades of rock into a “twisted” and “experimental” musical incarnation is a long-anticipated and newly embarked project –...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...

Best of 2009

by Ryan Buege Some people might have qualms with the amount of hardcore and punk that shows up in my list – I am...

Latest News

My fellow Americans, the time is coming for us to buy plane tickets, catch a boat or start swimming to France. That's right, industrial...

Around the Interwebs

Metal is definitely creeping into the mainstream. What other explanation could there be for this product, black toilet paper. Ok, probably not but still...

Go See This Fucking Band

Ever since TRENT REZNOR indicated that NINE INCH NAILS are taking a break after their current run of U.S. shows, the media has been...

Latest News

The world's best-known bearded, shit-talking, pinch-harmonics innovator has taken a moment from the latest band breakup media shitstorm to twat about the situation between...

Latest News

The biggest flag-bearer of the new-age music business model is NINE INCH NAILS frontman Trent Reznor. He is using everything the internet has to...

Go See This Fucking Band

The increasingly popular trend of bands playing an album in its entirety can be an awesome way to hear their best songs, a confirmation...

Tour Dates

Coming off one of 2008's best albums and a fistfight-inspired lineup change, ultra-melodic stoner-metal renovators TORCHE are back on the road with indie-prog vets...


To some, they may be known as HENNES SISTE HØST – the North Dakota based underground USBM band whose brilliant new album of frostbitten...

State of Metal

Sure, we all dump on the Garden State just because it’s responsible for Bon Jovi. But to be entirely fair (for once,) that’d be...

Latest News

Anybody with a remotely passing interest in metal can remember that day in December 2004 when Dimebag Darrell Abbott was gunned down in Ohio....

Free Swag

Oh my Buddha! This has got to be the biggest giveaway in Metal Injection history. In celebration of the release of MUDVAYNE's new CD,...

Upcoming Releases

GOD FOBID's new record, Earthsblood doesn't come out until February, but we got our hands on some exclusive audio samples from the record. Check...