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Bummer Alert

Finally, an excuse to use my amazing Jeff Hanneman spider bite photoshop again! You may recall that last year, the Slayer guitarist suffered a...


Guitar World has been slowly leaking out footage from their highly anticipated roast that went down in January. We've already seen videos from Steel...

Injection Reflection

The weather is getting nicer. The days are getting longer and the metal is getting heavier. This was a pretty busy week. Lots of...


Guitar World is slowly trickling out videos from the Roast of Zakk Wylde, which is awesome. We've already seen Steel Panther's video, but I...


We are so proud to announce the launch of our newest series which turns the camera onto the people working behind the scenes in...

Upcoming Releases

Last year, we kicked off our MI Studio Sessions series with a very intimate acoustic performance from Tesseract. They really excelled in the environment....


Final installment, y'all. If you don't already have an app to get your shit together you can find one here. You'll want to utilize...


Obligatory reminder to check out our previous installments: Metal Injection Metal Guide to SXSW 2012 Part 1: Stoner / Doom / Sludge Metal Injection...


Usually here on Metal Injection, I'm the one conducting the interviews, asking the questions and then asking even more striking follow-ups. But today, the fine...


Charging up their batteries for an imminent European tour, Matthew Skarajew and Paul Mazziotta of diSEMBOWELMENT, er… d.USK, er… Inverloch take a brief respite...

Injection Reflection

This was a busy week with a ton of new music and announcements from Metallica, Pantera, Black Sabbath drama and the Deftones. Plus, Valentines...

70,000 Tons of Metal

It's finally here! Our massive photo collection from the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. Check it out. We made sure to include plenty of...

Injection Reflection

Well this has been a crazy week for me, personally, just readjusting to being back on land and not on a cruise ship. Many...

70,000 Tons of Metal

I can't believe it's almost that time again, time for Frank, Noa and myself to board the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise. This being...

Upcoming Releases

Anyone remember the acoustic songs TesseracT played for our video segment called Studio Sessions this past May? The band performed three songs with vocalist...

Latest News

I can't believe the 70,000 Tons of Metal cruise is only like two weeks away. In the last few weeks, a few awesome bands...

Quick Bits

Things have been pretty quiet around here this week, and around metal in general. There was still some news that surfaced this week that...


Tis the season for Metal Injection apps to launch! Continuing our quest for global domination, we're proud to announce the launch of our official...


In our ever-continuing efforts of global domination, we here at Metal Injection are proud to announce the launch of the official Metal Injection iPhone...

Best of 2011

We asked Metal Injection Photographer Aline Miladinovich to reflect on her Top 5 Shows in 2011. You can check out some of her favorites,...


I remember the first time I ever heard Spastic Ink's debut LP Ink Complete I immediately stopped what I was doing as if I...


I'm not sure if you guys recall, but a few years back Twisted Sister released a horrible Christmas album called A Twisted Christmas. It...

Injection Reflection

It's Hallo-weekend. I was going to go dressed as the easiest Waldo ever to spot, but I never had enough time to buy my...