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“I don’t want to belong to any club that would accept me as one of its members.” – Groucho Marx

Upcoming Releases

Each week when I write THE WEEKLY INJECTION, I find readers bitching about me not covering more "underground" bands. Mind you, I don't do...


I was hoping—really hoping—that the new Inquisition album would have an even longer title than the last one did. No such luck. Also I...

Metal Crimes

Don't expect frontman Tobias Sidegard to be at the next Necrophobic show you attend, as the frontman is currently in a Swedish prison for 18...

Bandcamp Buried Treasure

Hello and welcome back to the Bandcamp Buried Treasure article series, where I'll be hunting down Buy It Now/Free Download-payment option albums on Bandcamp...

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Two of my favorite musicians got together recently for a little chat in Guitar World Magazine: Dillinger Escape Plan's Ben Weinman and Soundgarden's Kim...


"Maturity" is a polarizing qualifier in the black metal community, straddling as it does notions of both artistic development and selling out, a hitch...


With an artfully arranged title – Sunbather – splayed across a sunkissed gradient ranging from salmon to pink lemonade, you'd be forgiven for Deafheaven had jumped labels to...

Metal Crimes

In a month of crazy metal stories, we have a new candidate for craziest story. Earlier this week, we reported former White Zombie drummer...


At one point Killing Joke were one of the most bulletproof post-punk bands around. Releasing their first single in 1978, they were right there with Wire and Gang of...


It's easy to forget sometimes that Metallica are really, really rich. Sure, we recently uncovered the net worth of both Lars Ulrich and James...

Bummer Alert

The metal world is still shocked about the news that broke yesterday that Slayer guitarist Jeff Hanneman of Slayer passed away due to liver...


Shai Hulud is undeniably one of the most important bands of the last 15 years. On the front lines of metallic-hardcore, they had a...

Latest News

January is the dogs days of new releases, metal or otherwise; presuming everyone is still hungover from the holiday spending frenzy – one doesn't...


I just reactivated my cable box, after two years of strict online TV watching, and it was the perfect time to load up the...

Best of 2012

2012 has been a strange old year for metal in the UK. It saw the dissolution of our much treasured Roadrunner Records UK as...

Best of 2012

2012 will not see end of the world, or extreme music for that matter. However, if this was the end of Metal and Hardcore...


Anaal Nathrakh have never presented themselves as black metal, but few bands outside that genre generate the kind of love-'em-or-hate-'em, spoilsport vibes these Brummie...

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Just over five months ago Black Sabbath, the band who the term ‘heavy metal’ was coined for, played their first hometown show in Birmingham...


In 1998, a little record entitled When Forever Comes Crashing shook the music world by fusing the atonal, offbeat time signatures of post-hardcore (particularly the instrumentally...


A mere four years have passed since Sylosis' inception and they’re already on the cusp of releasing their third record – Monolith; an ambitious...


I am a big fan of Even Brewer's solo album, Alone which came out last year. The album featured only the use of bass...

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Click here for our massive photo gallery from this tour It’s been a hell of a rewarding Spring/Summer for me as far as kick-ass...