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Metal Crimes

The big story yesterday was the alleged assault by Danzig to an amateur photographer Neil Dalton. Initially, Dalton posted a statement saying that he...


Prepare yourself for a podcast that will blast your mind and destroy your sanity!


Germany’s Pyogenesis is probably most renowned, or reviled, for the drastic transformation they’ve made over the course of their existence and subsequent rejuvenation. Specifically,...


In the world of metal, the term 'core' is as divisive as modern politics. And in Fit for an Autopsy's case, the moniker has...

Show Recap

Your first heavy metal show is important – it makes an impression on what “a great show” means to you. This could probably be...

Live Footage

Man, they really do it big at Japanese EDM shows. On Sunday, Sept. 20, at his Tokyo gig, Skrillex invited Babymetal up on stage...

Bummer Alert

This is the band's third cancelled show in a week.

Weekly Injection

Just as I feel metal is in a funk for the year my inbox fucking explodes with promos for great records. Thanks Satan. This...

Tour Dates

The Sword are on the verge of releasing their new album, High Country which comes out this Friday, August 21st and they just announced...


St. Louis quartet Black Fast have the standard Revocation vibe down as to be expected, but they also bring a surprising dose of Death...

Show Recap

2015's most solid progressive metal bill to date hit Sacramento, and I was there to gush about it.

Bummer Alert

The Metal Injection-sponsored Summer Slaughter kicks off today and already there have been issues. After The Burial dropped off for the understandable reason of...


Summer 2015 is in full effect! For you youngins that means late night adventures and no school. For you respectable adults who spend most...


I can't stop listening to this new track from the UK death minions.

Latest News

Corey Taylor is everywhere right now, promoting his new book, You're Making Me Hate You. Last night, he caused a viral shit storm by...

Open Metacast

Tonight was the Windsor–Detroit International Freedom Festival, AKA "The Fireworks". Unfortunately we're also getting some bad weather in this area so they did the...