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Search results for "motorhead"


I'm always stoked when our beloved metal genre gets any attention from late night television. Especially in the days before YouTube, when setting your...

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Shows are supposed to be fun. Shows are supposed to be the crowd getting into the music and the performers having an absolute ball...

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Last night was the fifth annual Revolver Golden Gods and without question, the biggest one yet. Metallica performed! Anthrax got up on stage with...

Latest News

The Revolver Golden Gods Awards are only two weeks away, which is insane. Today, the organizers announced a new performance scheduled as well as...

Upcoming Releases

Amon Amarth certainly don't want to disappoint their fans, so they've announced what might be the coolest damn deluxe version of 2013!

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So we're getting a new Amorphis album on April 19, but on April 17 we're getting Amorphis bourbon sauce. Seems like it'll be a...


Let's be real about this: Clutch is one of the only hard rock bands in the world worth caring about. A howling, bombed out wilderness...

Throwback Thursday

Each week on ‘Throwback Thursday’ we dust off a crucial but underrated album, without which heavy metal’s evolution would have turned out quite differently....

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Kickass Danish rock-and-rollers Volbeat begin to shed some light on their new record, Outlaw Gentlemen and Shady Ladies, and it's sounding pretty awesome!

br00tal Comedy

Meet Compressorhead, literally the most metal band ever. They like doing covers including this great Motorhead cover.  

Bands and Booze

Beer and rock have always been coupled together much like copious amounts of beer and "great" decision making have. AC/DC have decided to make...

Black Metal History

As part of Black Metal History Month, we will be spotlighting classic albums that we feel are essential for any fan of black metal. This...

Latest News

The Dillinger Escape Plan promised a big announcement for today, and they delivered. The band have officially announced their new album and release date. 

Latest News

We've always had a great time at the Revolver Golden Gods Awards. We've been on the black carpet every year (watch some of our...

Injection Reflection

The week was long and hectic, but we have finally reached the end! Time to put on your party pants and enjoy your weekend,...


So, it would probably be a fair assumption that if you were considering getting this album, you’re a prior fan of Voivod. And, if...

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One of the valuable lessons you’d hope one might learn by traveling frequently is “never trust the weather” – especially in a climate so...


We've been hearing a lot from Jason Newsted about his new metal project titled, ahem, Newsted, but what we haven't heard yet is new...

Bands and Booze

Oh, my, god, YES! Joining the ranks of Slayer, Motorhead and Mastodon and countless others, Brazilian thrash legends Sepultura now have their own beer....


Anaal Nathrakh have never presented themselves as black metal, but few bands outside that genre generate the kind of love-'em-or-hate-'em, spoilsport vibes these Brummie...

Injection Reflection

The week has come to an end here at Metal Injection and it's time to recap the top pages of the week. We decided...

Guessing Game

The Guessing Game is here! Last week, we gave away a Motorhead vinyl. Click here to see what the answer was. Winners were contacted...

Around the Interwebs

Hey, today is Halloween, the most metal of all holidays (except maybe Passover). One of the sacred traditions of Halloween is the famed pumpkin...