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Tour Dates

This is going to be massive!

Tour Dates

This will be THE death metal tour of the fall.

Metal Up Your Ass

Cute overload!


It's the heaviest movie soundtrack ever.

Shocking Revelations

They were young and just trying to have a laugh.

Open Metacast

In the novel 1984 there is a room called Room 101 wherein the "Ministry of Love" subjects prisoners to their worst fears, phobias and...

Tour Dates

Now this is a fun prog-metal tour!

Weekly Injection

This edition include the two pirate bands you can name, some of the heaviest shit I've ever heard, cult legends, stuff you'll hate me...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to DeSean Matt Johnson who had the best zinger: "Try getting a ring ametalround this neck” Now...


Did I mention it's an entire album.


If you gathered all the rage of the youth, fixed in all the fucked up things you see in life from petty attitudes to...

Upcoming Releases

Did someone say "this is going to be a good fall?" I think someone did.

Shocking Revelations

Dream Theater fan fucks, like, a beast.