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Upcoming Releases

So Slayer's future is clearly, unclearly clear at this point. Got it?

The Obituarist

Hey there freaks and geeks, Trevor Strnad AKA The Obituarist reporting live from the road on the current TBDM summer tour with some sick...

Shocking Revelations

A Dio hologram is a real thing that exists now.

Shocking Revelations

Could Slayer go on without Tom Araya?


"Internal/Eternal" has plenty of mind-bending moments and still comes off as though it were written by folks who know damn well what they're doing......


When Ronnie James Dio tragically passed away in 2010, he was hands down the most significant artist (*) that the heavy metal community had...

The Obituarist

Howdy mutants, Trevor aka The Obituarist here to round of some of the finest releases in extreme music that I’ve been able to exhume...


Does heavy metal really have an SJW problem? No. Duh.

Latest News

This past Friday, singer Christina Grimmie, who rose to prominence via Youtube videos and then exploded when she appeared on the Voice, was shot...


Part of the joy of being a Melvins fan is the sense of discovery. Even after 30 years of sludge rocking their way around...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes Iran's only doom metal band, grim ass black metal, lots of rock, a dash of prog and more! To the metals…

It's Just Business

The band still owe an album to their current label.

Gear Gods

Wow, this is truly a feat. Rob Scallon's May-tallica takes it to another level, playing Metallica's famous track "One" on one guitar. Joe Shadid...


One of Brujeria members was quoted as saying "We both want same thing! So much that I want to be his running mate!!!"


"I wish Prospect Park and Jeff Kwatinetz wouldn’t have dragged my name into this, however, I feel a moral obligation to go on the...


It's called "Raped and Pillaged" and they say it like, a thousand times.

Upcoming Releases

It's the new/old Protest The Hero EP you've (likely) not heard any of!

Weekly Injection

This edition includes some legends, game-changing tech death, Uncle Al's latest non-Ministry thing, and more! To the metals...

At The Movies

"Five carnival workers who are kidnapped the night before Halloween and held hostage in a large secret compound known as Murder World. "