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What better way to get in the Christmas spirit than with a new Iron Reagan song off their upcoming split with Exhumed (due out January...

Heavy Metal Real Estate

Let's face it, if you're in a metal band chances are it doesn't pay the bills. Some people choose to work as bartenders, airline pilots,...

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Last night was the fifth annual Revolver Golden Gods and without question, the biggest one yet. Metallica performed! Anthrax got up on stage with...


Coolest motherfucker in music, Dave Grohl is a busy man. He's working on new music with Queens of the Stone Age, he's getting ready...


Metal Blade Records continued it's 30 year anniversary celebration this past weekend in LA with a show that featured Armored Saint, Sacred Reich and...


It's a retro world. That's not a value judgment, just a statement of fact. Some lament this fact as if its a permanent turn...

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First off, look at that photo! The perfect summation of this year's Revolver Golden Gods Awards, the biggest metal party of the year. There...

Injection Reflection

It's been a few weeks since we've done any reflecting, but now we're back to our regularly scheduled reflection. The first week of December...


The metal world was buzzing last Friday when Black Sabbath officially announced they were reuniting for a new album and world tour in 2012....

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I have seen Steel Panther perform live twice and even got the chance to interview them last year, and these dudes get it. A...


We are back with an all new edition of our video podcast, The FiX. We were tired of tuning into every video show and...

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"I've heard song bands that have cool riffs, but they put them back to back, and you just can't follow, and you don't remember."

At The Movies

"The viewer feels fully immersed in the experience, with an impressive production quality in terms of both sight and sound."

New Music

The album's first single "Break My Lying Tongue" is streaming now


"If you're looking for a promising new band that plays a reliably crushing form of modern death metal, you should check out these guys."

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"As a metal head myself, I send my sincere appreciation and gratitude to the band for elevating our genre, and if even for a...

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From blistering heat to blazing performances here's what happened during the last day of Ohio's wildest rock festival.

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Day three delivers a musical barrage that satisfies heavy metallers and eclectic rockers in equal measure.