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Search results for "Foundation"


The latest incarnation on The Haunted debuted their lineup changes on 70K Tons of Metal cruise, actually a throwback to their early years with...


Who do you want to see get iced next?

Weekly Injection

You ever just have one of those moments where you can't stop listening to "One Week," by The Barenaked Ladies? That's what I'm going...


“But what about Punk Rock?” Punk and metal have always had a weird, sometimes difficult relationship. In a way this is strange, as the...


In simplest terms, Back to the Front is essentially canonical Entombed: even with Hellid's departure, the remaining members had all been touring with the...


If you gathered all the rage of the youth, fixed in all the fucked up things you see in life from petty attitudes to...


Cardinal Wyrm's second album, Black Hole Gods, is an hour long soundscape woven from the fabric of doom, occult rock, goth, and psychedelia. It's...


Wovenwar is the supergroup of the bands As I Lay Dying and Oh, Sleeper. They were formed from the events in 2013, when AILD...


Slow your day down with some new Pallbearer, yeah?


From the mind of Roman Saenko comes a folk compilation of international recording artists whose goal is to bring a piece of heritage from...


But who will handle vocals?


There are those who say that lumping bands into genres and sub-categories is a pointless exercise. Nevertheless, us journalists, in our efforts to proclaim...

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Yeah, all of that headline is insane and 100% true.

Artists in Metal

Find out about the artist's process and check out some of his insanely cool creations.

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Plus the art we have to display in here looks exactly like something Brockie would have done.


Is South by Southwest really upon us? Every year it seems SXSW creeps up unawares, but this year in particular they really did schedule...

Black Metal History

Since 1982, Thomas Gabriel Fischer (AKA Thomas Gabriel "Warrior") has been one of the guiding forces behind extreme metal. With the formation of Hellhammer...

Black Metal History

Tracing the origins of black metal is less like searching for a needle in a haystack and more like wondering through a graveyard at...


Protean Collective, a heavy progressive-rock band from Boston, has emerged with a new album called The Red and the Grey. I wrote about them...