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Search results for "instruments"

Best of 2014

Frank Godla wrote a best of 2014 list and you'll never guess what happened next...


On the plus side, he said he was a great businessman.

Best of 2014

Watch the best of the best funny, awesome, killer clips of the year that weren't just music videos!

Best of 2014

There are perhaps dozens of albums that qualify, but even as the amount of releases continue to rise, the time available remains inconveniently constant....

Gear Gods

Seriously, what will they make an instrument out of next?


It's not mind blowing talent, or ridiculous composition. It's an unwavering performance by a bunch of guys who are passionate about what they do.


Ne Obliviscaris are a rising force in the progressive music scene.

Latest News

The ultimate buyer's guide for heavy metal fans shopping for Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for a loved one!


Kick some clouds, because clouds are dicks.

Gear Gods

Metallica is just ripe for covering on unique instruments. Today, we hear what it would be like if it was covered in Medieval Times....

br00tal Comedy

"So what's the deal with politicians, eh? I don't get it. They should all start to play rock and roll, I think."


After years of talking about it, Devin Townsend has returned with Ziltoid in tow. This time they bring us two discs full of songs...


Seizures are...a lot of things. Difficult to classify but still worthy of squeezing between genres. The Dana Point, CA unit started back in 2010....


This is Revocation's 5th full length album since 2008, and if we have learned anything from this trashy metal band, it's that Revocation loves...

br00tal Comedy

The goatlord of perversion interrogates Anvil about life being hell, dying, and dildos as musical instruments. Watch more Necrosexual here.


TL;DR- It's amazing and not what you're expecting.


To be honest, I’m not exactly sure what angle to take in this review. Do I try a purely fair assessment of Bloodtruth’s abilities...


In 2012 Between The Buried And Me released their finest album since Colors in The Parallax II: Future Sequence and soon began playing this...

Latest News

The bad news? We have to wait until 2015 for the record.


Xerath's III is the perfect amount of cinematic symphonic work and heandbang-until-your-neck-breaks heaviness.


Dylan Carlson doesn’t exactly abandon his Western noir template on this year’s Primitive and Deadly - an uncharacteristically ho hum album title that serves...