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Search results for "decibel"


Croatians seem to love them some W.A.S.P., but I guess Dave Mustaine does not. Mustaine has a strict "no performances with Satanists" policy, so...

Metal Science

We have all heard the phrase, “sex, drugs and rock and roll.” Up until now it’s been just that, an overly used expression to...


It's the hump-day AV roundup. Let's play some tuneskis. Got a killer orchestral cover of Converge, new music from Dying Fetus, Corey Smoot, The...


This might very well be the comeback of the year. Six Feet Under's new album, Undead is streaming in full right now at Decibel...


It's Friday, and before the weekend hits, let's do a sweep of all the new music that was just put out, including new tracks...


We're helping you get over that hump day slump with a slew of new music samplings. We got new tracks from Chelsea Grin, Firewind,...


The Decibel Magazine Tour, featuring Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood, and In Solitude, has been a lot of drama. First, the guy who owns...

Sick Art

Click to see the full size version of this artwork It seems like 2012 is the year of the 7". Who puts out CDs...


Get over your hump day with some epic new tracks and some killer videos all curated in today's A/V Roundup: First, let's talk about...

Upcoming Releases

I'm pretty pumped for Fear Factory's upcoming album,The Industrialist. The album is a concept record, which Burton went into detail about at the Deciblog and...

Tour Dates

Some people apparently just can't deal with Satan, as the owners of The Brewmaster's Gate in Columbus, Ohio banned Behemoth, Watain, The Devil's Blood,...


Thursday is here and while I'm gearing up for Metal Night, here are the new tunes I'm listening to… Shadows Fall are set to...

Mustaine Mania

Dave has done it again! Ok, maybe I'm stretching this one a bit too far, but it's still pretty funny. We've been keeping up...


I've been listening to Cannibal Corpse's new album, Torture for a little bit now and it's every bit as crushing and awesome as I...


It's Monday and my sinuses are acting up. I am pissed off but luckily some new metal music will get me through the day....


What a day for new music! Let's wrap it up today with some blistering thrash from Municipal Waste. The Waste will release The Fatal...


It's Thursday, which means the weekend is so close I can smell it. While I patiently wait for it, here are some new tunes:...

Latest News

While Treme has aired for two seasons on HBO, I've only managed to catch the first, and it was brilliantly depressing. I genuinely felt bad for these...


When he was eighteen years old, Jason Becker was on the trajectory to becoming one of the biggest guitar gods of the time. Then,...

Latest News

NOTE: This promotion ends tonight at 12pm PST, so you better act fast! We know how hard it is to get your name out...

Upcoming Releases

Fans of obscure Australian metal, rejoice! Relapse Records has recently signed, or rather, re-signed (as you'll see why in a while) Melbourne, Australia’s death/doom...


Getting that 2:30 feeling at work? Don't run for the 5 Hour Energy, crank up your speakers and blast this awesome new split from...

Best of 2011

There are dozens of factors that go into creating a "great" record, and I try to consider them all while listening to music of...