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Metal Merch

More insane merchandise from bands.

Weekly Injection

This edition features some dudes with bags on their heads, prog with horns, aliens, and more! To the metals…


Over the years, songwriters, wanting to prove the mastery of their art, have tried to add a whole new meaning to their songs by...


We recently revealed a couple dream setlist/tour articles featuring Devin Townsend and Between the Buried and Me. To continue this theme, we have frontman...


Diabolizer play death fuckin' metal... except when they don't.

Latest News

Parkway Drive, Beartooth, and Asking Alexandria also took home some awards.


Triple H is sure Lemmy is sitting on a black cloud, drinking a Jack and Coke, probably.

Weekly Injection

This edition includes lots of blues-based rockin', some technical madness, post-metal giants and more! To the metals…

Tour Dates

Ozzy, Slipknot and more were present.


Straight to the point, no bullshit, no frills, no filler, nothing but solid brass knuckles track by track.


The Bendal Interlude bring it all together with their latest release. Can you handle the Death & Roll madness?


We've compiled a short list of some of our favorite Metallica -LOL- worthy moments for your viewing pleasure.

The Obituarist

Bands like Entombed A.D. and Wormed are the only two you MIGHT have heard of.

Black Metal History

The gulf between Mayhem's seminal Deathcrush EP in 1987 and their first proper full length in 1994 was an industrious but often low key...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Carpathian essentially founded black 'n' roll with the magic of Black Shining Leather - this is an album that you simply can't ignore.

Black Metal History

In the second installment of a three-part series spotlighting pivotal bands in Black Metal's past and present; we recount the history of Immortal, one...

Tour Dates

This fest looks to be a total ripper!