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Motley Crue bassist Nikki Sixx is getting married to his 27-year-old girlfriend and model, Courtney Bingham.


Last week, we told you riff masters Corrosion Of Conformity released a free EP called Megalodon thanks to the fine people at Scion A/V....

Metal Merch

Hey, remember that Pug Destroyer video sweeping the nation last week? If you caught a bit of pug fever, there is now a shirt...

Latest News

When I heard the sad news today about Mitch Lucker's death, my first thoughts were of a day back in 2005 when I first...


Pig Destroyer wear their influences on their sleeves. They might be a grind band, but they don't hide their love for old school punk...


We've poked a lot of fun at FAxl Rose, but with this latest bit of Guns N Roses news, we don't have to work...


Gene Simmons took a break from trying to sell you life insurance to release a new album with his band, KISS. They are on...

Around the Interwebs

This is awesome. Meet Abbey (she's the one in the photo that isn't Kerry King). Abbey wanted to propose to her boyfriend Dan in...


What a better way to kick off the Labor Day weekend, than with a new Dethklok song. The song is literally called "I Ejaculate...


In This Moment comes back with their latest release, Blood. People seem to be black and white when it comes to their opinions on...

Upcoming Releases

Soilwork might be without guitarist Peter Wichers once again, but they are not slowing down by any means. Frontman Bjorn “Speed” Strid posted a...

Latest News

Stone Sour initially to me, seemed like Slipknot–lite, but in the last few years, they've really made their own mark on the world. I...


With bass player Daniel Ekeroth having literally written the book (0n) Swedish Death Metal, you'd expect Usurpress to have their shit together, and that...


Is there really such thing as an unlikely location for a metal band to originate these days? Process of Guilt are natives of Portugal,...


Ulver have long been known for their restless experimentation, flitting from black metal to folk to dark ambient and all things in between (mostly...


…and man, does it sound crushing! Nile do not fuck around, they never did and aren't about to start to fuck around now. This...

Metal Merch

Wow, when I saw this earlier on MetalSucks I couldn't believe my eyes. Motley Crüe will say yes to anything. Motley Crue now have...


Our very own Frank Huang made it down to Tampa, FL this weekend for this year's Scion Rock Fest. Frank was able to shoot...


If you’re like me, you might forever associate John 5 with Marilyn Manson, and depending on who you are, that might be a bad...


Dopesmoker was never gonna fly; not as an album title, not on a major label. It was actually the least of the band's worries....

Upcoming Releases

One of the biggest questions in metal right now is when is Slipknot going to put out new material. We know it will happen....

Show Recap

I'm fortunate enough to have seen some incredible moments in music history, like Meshuggah's first U.S. appearance playing a tiny venue the size of...


One thing I will always remember when I get rich is to pay my motherfucking taxes. Bassist Rex Brown, of Kill Devil Hill, owes...