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Search results for "revolver"


This one is for the ladies…

Bummer Alert

He compares his relationship with Phil Anselmo to a bitter split with an ex-wife.

RIP a Livecast

3D was absent for this edition of the Livecast, so we broadcast in standard definition. Get it? Sid talked about visiting Noa at Sirius...


Corrosion of me listening to other stuff the rest of today.

Injection Reflection

It's been a crazy week and we decided to avoid including any stories about nazis in our top 10 this week: ROB ZOMBIE Covers...


We remember the Slayer shredder on the one year anniversary of his death.

Injection Reflection

Also, a great GWAR story and Golden Gods coverage.


Typo alert!


Slayer debuted a new song during a surprise performance at the 2014 Revolver Golden Gods.

Weekly Injection

All too often, I'm given shit for not talking about "the underground." I do my fair share of discussing lesser known band, but this...


Nothing miserable about this song. Or band.

Latest News

How this band stayed together for as long as they did is so far beyond me.


The picture should probably tell you something.

It's Just Business

...and it's not that bad.

Latest News

It has recently been revealed that Black Label Society and Down would be touring together before the Golden Gods Awards this year, not that we...

Tour Dates

Finally, we can see Howard Jones live again.


Another great Cynic track to mellow out to.

Upcoming Releases

The next few months could be very Lacuna Coil-filled if you're a fan.

Around the Interwebs

Every year, Revolver magazine does a "Hottest Chicks In Metal Hard Rock" issue and it always spurs a bit of controversy. The reasoning is...

Latest News

Motorhead's Lemmy Kilmister is turning 68 in December, and while he is recovering from some health issues, he's not about to slow down. He's...


Disfiguring the Goddess, solo project of slam mastermind and dubstep artist Cameron Argon, is releasing Deprive on December 10 via Decomp Records and has...


Living Sacrifice made their return in 2010 with their The Infinite Order record and then laid low with the new jams for another three...