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Search results for "revolver"


Cartoons and metal? Always and forever.

Shocking Revelations

Huntress have been making quite a name for themselves in the metal scene the last few years, and that's thanks in part to their...

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The Slipknot frontman eventually took a liking to Lamb of God's vocalist.

Fuck Yes!

"If somebody develops a cure for cancer, there will still be haters."


I think I need to go take a walk or something after hearing this.


Blast King Parrot at work! Your cubicle mate will love it!


We'd mention Mia Khalifa again but it was only funny to make everyone mad once.


As with many bands that start off mixing and matching disparate sub-genre tropes to varying effect, Barren Earth have grown exponentially in terms of...

Fuck Yes!

Tom Araya: "We were fortunate to have something that [Jeff Hanneman] had participated in.”

Upcoming Releases

By the end of the year, we may finally hear this album!


Not the Shining with the saxophone. The one about killing yourself.

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Listen. If H.R. Giger says you're good, then you're good.


It sounds like a more aggressive version of Trivium, with a different vocal presentation.


Andy don't mess around, I guess?


Are you ready for some serious blasts?


Despite the band name, The Agonist will make you feel joy.

Fuck Yes!

My brain cannot handle a nightly jam like this, making this tour 100% more must see, and it was already a great package.