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Search results for "halloween"

Tour Dates

Metal media have been salivating all over Superjoint Ritual-related gossip ever since Phil Anselmo resurfaced his side project for their "one-off" performance at last year's Housecore...

Latest News

Unless you give the group $10 million... okay I made that up.

Metal Merch

Your next BDSM party will not be complete without a war pig mask!

At The Movies

Rob Zombie's movie 31 is being cast and we've covered some of the casting calls because honestly, they've been pretty interesting. The man knows...

Around the Interwebs

Most. metal. wedding dress. ever!

At The Movies

Lots of scary locations.

10 Year Anniversary

We're celebrating our 10 year anniversary by cracking open the archives. Today we're looking back at our favorite comedy skits from the early years...

Music Videos

Suicide Silence did a lot of filming on their most recent tour. They sent us three awesome tour diaries: one about Texas, one about...

Upcoming Releases

Are you looking forward to new music from Manson?

Injection Reflection

This week began with tragedy with the loss of Wayne Static. It ended with the crazy arrest of Phil Rudd. Eventful to say the...


She wants to make it clear her husband died in his sleep.

Live Footage

Marilyn Manson performed a special set on Halloween night in Los Angeles, and invited some friends out to perform his big hit, "The Beautiful...

Bummer Alert

Earlier today, we reported the sad news of the passing of Wayne Static. Based on some tributes posted by musicians and friends, drugs were...

Bummer Alert

Wayne Static, frontman of Static-X was found dead Halloween weekend, 2014. No official cause of death is revealed, but a drug overdose is suspected.

Injection Reflection

Happy Halloween everybody! Here are this week's most popular posts: MICHAEL JACKSON's "Thriller" Done In The Style of AVENGED SEVENFOLD, ROB ZOMBIE, CANNIBAL CORPSE...

Caption Contest

First thing's first: Last week's winner! Congratulations to Fernando Hernandez who had the best zinger: "See guys i told you i had a girlfriend!"...

br00tal Comedy

Rob Scallon is back with a special Halloween banjo cover


In this week’s episode of MSRcast, we venture into one of my favorite holidays, Halloween! We keep the metal talk flowing, and play some...