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"Our current priority is to communicate directly with our artists and their representatives."

New Music

This sounds nothing like Mayhem.

Weekly Injection

This week's new heavy metal releases include more guitars than normal, sad shit, feedback and more! To the metals...


If 2018 was a big year for heavy metal, 2019 has been gigantic. Roughly six months in and the sheer quantity and quality of...

Upcoming Releases

Fomer guitarist Tripp Essen, who was once kicked out of the band for having been arrested after having sex with two underage girls, also...


Norwegian extreme metal titans Darkthrone's latest album Old Star continues in the vein of 2016's Arctic Thunder, but with even more variety.


Read an interview with the band's new vocalist and check out exclusive photos from the recording process of the band's new album, The Disconnect!


The British hardcore upstarts tackle some tough topics...

Shocking Revelations

"Those bands are terrible, they didn’t even know how to play their instruments."

New Music

The show also featured Tosin Abasi, Yngwie Malmsteen, and Steve Vai.

Guest Column

The entertainment industry is extremely competitive, especially when it comes down to the musicians’ community. When new performers come around, they are often extremely...


The world is going to hell in a gasoline-soaked wicker handbasket. But the dudes in Oozing Wound have got your back with a fucking...

Upcoming Releases

Wayne Static's vocals will be featured on half the tracks.


Punk is a four-part documentary series coming to EPIX on March 11, produced by John Varvatos and Iggy Pop. To celebrate, there was a...

Kids In Metal

The next generation is bright!


Limp Bizkit did a ton of partial covers at the show, including songs by Metallica, Nirvana, Green Day, Journey and Pantera.


Also comedian Dean Delray, guitarist Jonah Nimoy and more.


An emotional moment for the family of the Soundgarden frontman

Latest News

"DevilDriver is playing a bunch of Coal Chamber songs and when you hear this shit with double kick and two guitars there’s no going...