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Dusty skulls. White lichen eroding tomb walls. Water dripping through limestone. Much death metal evokes the bleeding immediacy of death, but the genre also...

Around the Interwebs

Ozzy Osbourne's appealing to a brand new audience thanks to Post Malone.

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The epic-voiced Hansi Kürsch sat down with me one perfect, early fall evening in Chicago about week ago to chat about Demons & Wizards....

New Music

Everything I'm hearing from this new Cattle Decapitation album is getting me really excited. We've already heard “One Day Closer to the End of...


Sonata Arctica is able to pour a limitless amount of melody into their melodic metal. But is that always a good thing?

Latest News

Colombia and Mexico, get hyped because Slipknot is bringing the metal your way. The maggots are teaming up with Mexico's Forcefest under the banner...


Just to quickly catch you up, if you aren't abreast to the drama between Arch Enemy vocalist Alissa White-Gluz and her former band The...

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A hurricane is not enough to stop Matt Heafy from gaming.

Shocking Revelations

We are wishing all the people involved in the crash a speedy recovery. 


Black metal and the works of Friedrich Nietzche share a profound sense of awe and grandeur at the natural world, and a refusal to...

Tour Dates

Eyehategod are a touring machine, and the machine doesn't stop for anybody. Sadly, it looks like guitarist Jimmy Bower can't make this go-around. The...

Breakups & Shakeups

After almost 30 years, noise rock masters Unsane are throwing in the towel. It seems as though the band has seen the writing on...


Just how much atmosphere does it take to make good atmospheric black metal? It turns out it doesn't really matter as long as the...


Hey there, tech fiends. It's that time of the week again. Before we dive into today's focus, here's the usual weekly reminder that if...

Upcoming Releases

It's "the biggest production and musical departure we've done."