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Upcoming Releases

We learned a few weeks back that Meshuggah guitarist is actively recording a new solo record and now more details have surfaced. We already...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few hours ago, ISIS announced that after their next run of dates with the Melvins, they will cease to exist as a band....

Bummer Alert

Blabbermouth is now confirming the death of Peter Steele, after contacting Type-O keyboardist Josh Silver, who validated online speculation about his death. The band...

Free Swag

We're teaming up with our friends at MetalSucks for a killer contest. In celebration of one of favorite up and coming bands, Revocation and...


By Ben Apatoff “Legend” is one of the most overused terms in music writing, but SLASH unquestionably deserves it. Don’t kid yourself into thinking...


By Ben Apatoff On 2008's The Common Man Collapse, Chicago's VEIL OF MAYA brandished a cerebral form of deathcore that had no regard for...


by Graham "Gruhamed" Hartmann I once read online that Daughters vocalist Alexis Marshall’s style could be accurately compared to the sound of Elvis Presley being...


A few weeks ago, during an email exchange, my good bud Axl Rosenberg of MetalSucks linked me to SON OF AURELIUS's MySpace page. I...


There was so much music released this weekend, we had to do another A/V Roundup to get up to speed. First off, TRIVIUM's cover...

Latest News

LAMB OF GOD is everywhere these days, including in video game soundtracks. They will be writing a new track specifically for the Iron Man...


By Ben Apatoff If Scenes from Hell is any indication, Beelzebub's lair is not pretty. Choked-sounding saxophones squeal for help, announcing the arrival of...


I've written about Fuel TV's The Daily Habit before and the attention it brings to the underground metal and rock bands that are usually...

Best of 2009

by: "Grim" Kim Kelly As anyone who's read my stuff on here before has probably gleaned by now, I don't give a fuck about...

Best of 2009

By Ben Apatoff Best-of lists are always fun to make, but they're usually a burden when finished and published. It's like getting a KORN...

Best of 2009

by Ryan Buege Some people might have qualms with the amount of hardcore and punk that shows up in my list – I am...

Quick Bits

THE BINARY CODE is preparing to release their debut full-length album, Suspension of Disbelief, this month. To celebrate, Metalunderground.com is streaming "The Story," the...


By Ben Apatoff Call it "Deeper Colors." Approximately two years after BETWEEN THE BURIED AND ME leapt into headliner status on Colors, they've plunged...

Latest News

Last month, details emerged about MASTODON scoring the upcoming movie of the Jonah Hex comic book. In a new interview with Paste Magazine, Troy...

Breakups & Shakeups

One of my favorite, and completely underrated bands have decided to call it quits. San Fransico's ANIMOSITY haven't been active for about a year...

Latest News

By Ben Apatoff REVOCATION's first album for Relapse arrives with more pre-release buzz than many more established bands' new music. An Existence is Futile...

Latest News

The other day I was on Lambgoat and saw this news bit: A new Necrophagist full-length is tentatively slated for an April 2010 release....

Revelations of Doom

Hey kids! Grim Kim has returned to darken your shores once again (i.e. I probably would've gotten kicked out if I'd stayed in the...


By Ben Apatoff Even without the high profile of a deservedly popular animated documentary series, it's easy to see why DETHKLOK have the highest-charting...