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Now this is how you do Swedish melodic death metal! Imagine the hardest parts of Arch Enemy mixed with later Hypocrisy and Dark Tranquillity...

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>Philadelphia’s self-proclaimed criminal thrash band RUMPELSTILTSKIN GRINDER have restructured their lineup following the departure of vocalist Eli Shaika and announced their first show back....

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South Carolina's THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD are currently completing new songs for the band's second full-length, the follow-up to 2005's Bloodlust. The...


Okay, I know this is a little late, but whateva you are getting it now. On October 29th I saw one of the most...

Spout Off

What's goings on junkies? If you can't tell, we have a new formatt going on here at METAL Injection. I posted a little about...


King Diamond - Out from the Asylum Helloween - Halloween King Diamond - Halloween Avenger - Halloween Lucifer’s Heritage - Halloween The Misfits -...


The Haunted - The Medication Amon Amarth - Asator Disillusion - The Black Sea Mastodon - Circle of Cysquatch UneXpect - Summoning Scenes Blind...


Abysmal Dawn - In the Hands of Death Kylähullut - Scenehuora Burst - Slave Emotion Zimmers Hole - 1,000 Miles of Cock Sinergy -...


Lamb of God - Blood JunkieBetween the Buried and Me - All BodiesHorse the Band - ManateenDillinger Escape Plan - When Good Dogs Do...