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Savage Lands raises money for reforestation and the creation of sanctuaries free of human destruction.


The setlist included "Floods" for the first time in 23 years.

Heavy Metal Real Estate

Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne would like to rent you their West Hollywood, CA apartment for a cool $9,500 per month. Which works out to...

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from KMFDM, meth., Persefone, Necrowretch, and Them Moose Rush


"I think Lucifer V stands tall as one of the best hard rock or classic metal albums of the last 15 years."

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Exocrine, Hiraes, Mägo De Oz, Vipassi, and Vitriol.


"Project Regeneration Vol. 2 reminded me why I fell in love with this band to begin with."

Music Videos

As in stomping you into the ground.


Our photographer Mihaela Petrescu was there to capture all the action.

Weekly Injection

Plus releases from Wasp Mother, Disconnected Souls, Upon Stone, Master, and Green Day


Shout out to our photographer Smitty Neal.

This Is Just A Tribute

We wish Lacroix's family and friends all the best at this time.


From Black Sabbath to Gojira, there's a lot to unpack here.