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Search results for "Limited"

Tour Dates

Due to the uncertainty of touring right now.

New Music

New Jersey's premier progressive rock/jazz fusion act, Thank You Scientist, are returning with a new EP, a new tour, and a new record label.

New Music

Breakbeat drumming, black metal, and dissonant piano. What else do you need?


Metal fans know that Dave Lombardo has worn a hat or two in his day. The former Slayer stickman has held down the fort...

Metal Merch

They need to afford curly fries.


He's a living legend in heavy metal. The drummer's drummer and the cornerstone to perhaps the greatest thrash metal band ever. Previous comments aside,...


"Carcass spew forth a career-defining record in Torn Arteries. It's one of their finest moments since Heartwork, and an easy contender for album of...


Part narrative, part live performance, and all mystery.

Metal Merch

Named the Seekers of the Seven Keys.

Latest News

"It'll be a worthy finale to say goodbye to your fans in person."

Live Footage

Soulfly are out on the road with Dino Cazares filling in for the recently departed Marc Rizzo, and the band decided to have some...

Music Videos

With The Bronx gearing up to release Bronx IV, their new album, this Friday, the west coast metalcore greats have unveiled a new music...

Bands and Booze

6.5% ABV, will not give you psychic abilities.

Metal Merch

The first in a series of four is available now.

Music Videos

Minnesota-based metallic hardcore outfit Blue Ox, have unleashed one hell of a live performance of the latest album Holy Vore. In all its metallic...

Upcoming Releases

"'Puzzle and Snuggle‘ are like a modern day 'Devlab and Hummer'."