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Upcoming Releases

By: Shannon Joy Producer, mixer, and engineer extraordinaire Kevin Shirley has just confirmed that the musical portion of the new Iron Maiden album has...


Now I'm not going to say I'm an expert at being drunk. The last Livecast proved I can't really handle shots in double digits....

Tour Dates

CANNIBAL CORPSE have announced their first US tour since appearing on Mayhem Fest last Summer. The band will be taking out 1349, SKELETONWITCH and...


By: Navjot Kaur Back in the early days of Feel the Fire, when tape-trading was the way to market yourself in a glam-metal dominated...

Latest News

As each year passes, I find myself disconnected further and further away from what is considered mainstream music, and I am grateful for it....

Best of 2009

Today is the eve of a new year (and a new decade), with that Frank takes a look at some albums that will be...

RIP a Livecast

It's been a crazy year here at the Livecast, and the final episode of the Livecast is no different. This week, we get a...

Tour Dates

Van's Warped Tour has spread it's wings in the last few years inviting heavier acts to be a part of the touring Summer festival,...


This year there were many hilarious videos. I went through our br00tal Comedy channel archives and picked out the best funny videos of the...

Best of 2009

By Ben Apatoff Best-of lists are always fun to make, but they're usually a burden when finished and published. It's like getting a KORN...

Tour Dates

SKELETONWITCH – Repulsive Salvation video SKELETONWITCH love being on the road! They have been going strong ever since finishing their epic blackened thrash masterpiece,...

Tour Dates

Every year, Maryland Deathfest is like a buffet of amazing uber-underground bands, most of which you will never see play any shows outside of...


Max Cavalara and crew have been really kind to let us into their studio, submitting some studio reports and the latest one is the...

Latest News

The Grammy awards are probably best summed up by MINISTRY's AL JOURGENSEN, who once said, "Getting nominated for a Grammy is like getting the...

Latest News

Jesus, does Scott Ian ever say no to anything? Rock Sound is reporting that he, along with fellow ANTHRAX guitarist Rob Caggiano are teaming...

Latest News

If you are a fan of the Livecast, you know that frontman Tim Lambesis revealed in a recent interview that his band, AS I...

Latest News

SYLOSIS, one of the UK's most buzzed about metal acts are eying an early-2010 release for their sophomore effort. The band is working with...


We're all about bringing underground bands to the masses, that's why we've teamed up with Portland, Oregon's ACROSS THE SUN for this free MP3...

Latest News

Wow, in an awesome reveal on their MySpace page, THE FACELESS have announced that they will be playing their most recent release, Planetary Duality,...

Breakups & Shakeups

One of my favorite, and completely underrated bands have decided to call it quits. San Fransico's ANIMOSITY haven't been active for about a year...

In the News

By Ben Apatoff Remember all the times your mom, teacher, priest and/or rabbi assured you that you were going to "outgrow that metal phase?"...


This edition of the RIP a Livecast featured the return of Thrash It or Trash It, with suggestions for bands exclusively from our chat...

Breakups & Shakeups

A few days ago, we posted about how DIMMU BORGIR kicked out two members and one of them revolted by changing his MySpace mood...