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Big time albums from Slipknot, Black Sabbath, Pantera, Alice In Chains, Babymetal, Halestorm, Lamb of God, Immortal and over 3,000 other titles on sale...


With time comes experience and growth, and Valdrin has certainly taken advantage of time passed, lessons learned and exhibited growth on Two Carrion Talismans.

New Music

Sounds like a title for a Mountain Goats song.


"Those FOOLS!" -Ozzy Osbourne responding to statements made by Tony Iommi about Ozzy's inability to remember lyrics during live performances, leading to their decision...


There are countless examples over the years of hard rock and heavy metal groups putting their own unique spins on classic songs from other...

Shocking Revelations

"As for the others, I wasn’t really a Zeppelin or a Black Sabbath fan. I was a fan of all music, but nobody had...

Song Premiere

Québécois death metal could be all that needs to be said about Outre-Tombe. The quartet is a conduit for all that is great about—not only...


As TerrorVision starts, the introduction prepares you for the wakes of blood that will soon envelope you.

Upcoming Releases

Avenged Sevenfold have been doing a great job keeping themselves in the spotlight with new material. The band surprise released The Stage in 2016,...

Shocking Revelations

Hello me, meet the real me - on the deck of the ship in about five minutes.

Latest News

The record label kinda screwed them on that album.

Latest News

Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross are basically the soundtrack dudes these days.

br00tal Comedy

Are you hip to the bongo cat meme? It started earlier this year, and is basically a simple GIF of a cat that has...


Welcome to Throwback Thursday! This is the place where we get to indulge in nostalgia and wax poetic about excellent metal of years past....

Fuck Yes!

Do you need him to pick anything up for you?