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The Obituarist

Hear new music from underground death metal bands like Xenomorphic Contamination, Inbreeding Sick, Megascavenger, Nucleus, Zhrine


The pressure is on for Fallujah if Dreamless can simultaneously stand up to The Flesh Prevails, while still keeping us interested for the future.


With each passing release, Ihsahn seems to add more colors and styles into the mix he concocted at the dawn of his solo career....

Upcoming Releases

Get out your pitchforks, Whitechapel fans!


This is definitely one of Amon Amarth’s finest. Jomsviking, while not entirely different from Amon Amarth’s already spectacular discography, does succeed in breaking a...


Gravity is an album worth purchasing; its musical compositions are noteworthy due to their subtleties that keep them with a “rolling” energy, as well...


Inverloch is a relatively young project with plenty of room to move outside the shadow of its legacy. I'm just not sure which direction...

Latest News

Trap Them 'bout to trap you in a sewer of heavy.

Weekly Injection

This editions features a lot of weird shit, the return of some kings, and more! To the metals...


Regarding the legacy of the band prior to Justin's passing, I believe there has been a steady incline in both popularity and merit. And...


Along comes album number three and, well, the Lost Society we knew, loved and described above has almost vanished into the ether. Seriously kids...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Today, Diadem of 12 Stars makes for a very interesting listen. Not just due to the passage of time, but because of the difference...


Phenotype presents listeners with enough variety to keep them listening, and more than enough energy to want to headbang to. With a strong emphasis...


Fleshgod Apocalypse has primarily been a death metal act with a heavy influence of classical music. In doing this, opera vocals are regularly incorporated,...

Weekly Injection

This edition includes the triumphant return of a prog favorite, some epicness of all types, the wonderfully weird, and more! To the metals…


Speed is Obscura’s strength; always has, always will be, apparently. A definite showing of this is exhibited in how even the rocket-paced tracks are...

Essential Black Metal Listening

Bathory have always been noted as one of the most important black metal bands of all time - Hammerheart just proved their dominance.

Weekly Injection

This edition features lots of majestic epicness, crushing heaviness, tooth grinding, and more! To the metals… Dream Theater – The Astonishing  Genre: Progressive Origin: Long...


Sacrilege isn’t a name that gets thrown around much by either today’s whippersnappers or the late 30s/early 40s set determined to let everyone know...

Best of 2015

Well its that time of year again, loyal readers. As you race to find gifts for relatives who mostly annoy the shit out of...


This one's got some Spartans, some fire and a whole lot of ships.

The Obituarist

Hey freaks! The Obituarist here again, back with another list of sick new releases permeating the extreme metal underground this winter! I'm a little...